Version: 2023.3.3
Product: Opralog Web
Date of Release: 15/06/2023
Event notifications
.Net Version
Opralog has now been upgraded to use the .net version 6 rather than 3.1. When you deploy the application the .net 6 hosting bundle will have to be installed on the server. The files can be found here.
Installation Information
Customer Hosted instances -
If you have not previously upgraded to 2023.2.5 then please check the release notes as there are some steps that need to be taken before upgrading.
Before this update is deployed you will require the .net6 hosting bundle to be installed on the application server.
The new application files can be obtained via the following link. Download, unzip and copy the folder to wherever the 'Opralog' (or similarly named) application folder is located, then restart the Application Pool on IIS to complete the update.
Recommendation for Non-Production Environments
For non-production environments, we recommend the Application Initialization setting be turned on to ensure the application remains running during times of low/no usage.
To access this, from the Start menu select Server Manager and navigate through the following options. Add Roles and Features > Server Roles > Web Server (IIS) > Web Server > Application Development.
From there, ensure the Application Initialization setting is checked.
In IIS, access Advanced Settings for the relevant AppPool and ensure "Start Mode" is set to AlwaysRunning